MacKenzie Keen

Landscape Designer

When I think of MacKenzie, I think green.

For one thing, her eyes are green.
She loves avocados.
Her favorite color is green.
She has a green thumb.

In addition to having a horticultural background, MacKenzie has the most plants I have ever seen inside a home. Her ability to keep all the plants alive and thriving is uncanny.

Or perhaps it's her approach to design, which focuses on blending the natural world into urban environments. It's no surprise that her favorite place to visit is Seattle, which offers lush vegetation and green landscapes within an urban setting. With this approach in mind, MacKenzie seeks to make positive impacts on the world by designing spaces that benefit both people and the environment.

Landscape architecture is a natural fit for MacKenzie.

MacKenzie is a recent graduate of the landscape architecture program at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.